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Testimonials: what others are saying

During my career, I have actively worked with many different people. On this page some clients about their experience working with me.

"Mellius is leading in a good natural way, he was able to remove resistance well in our change process. He is empathetic, responding with empathy to resistance, emotions and questions. He is analytically strong: he can quickly take in specific information. And process that into a process or document that is shareable with others."

Annemarie Timmer Arends, Detecting Financial Crime team member, ABN-AMRO

"Mellius's strengths:

  • open-minded
  • honest
  • Takes initiatives and is eager to learn.

He dares to address everyone (even Vice Presidents)."

Kaeso de Jager, Executive Vice President Capgemini and former director VNO-NCW

"We want to grow our company and be well prepared for the future. We have been an innovative company for more than 15 years and want to make speech therapy across Europe more efficient and accessible by applying AI. But how do you grow in a good way? Mellius helps us with that and things are really happening! He helps us to do improvements in a logical order. He gives us direction and identifies bottlenecks in our organization. We appreciate that Mellius thinks along on a strategic, tactical and operational level. He is committed. He strives for excellence and takes the bull by the horns. His intrinsic motivation to help us improve effectively and sustainably is evident. Mellius brings in valuable expertise and his guidance is invaluable."

Paul Jenkins, CEO and Elisa Gielen, director,TinyEYE Europe - Online speech therapy

"We have never received such a good requirements document. To avoid subsequent disappointments in an IT project, this is perfect."

Joost Heijligers, CEO FinTech / SaaS companies, Finly & FinConnect

"I think it is special how Mellius is there for his colleagues. He makes a very positive contribution in the team and that in a modest way. class done!"

Tamar Brouwer, Scrum Master, Nationale Nederlanden

"It's always a question of what working with externals will bring. I have worked a lot with externals. I wondered beforehand what I was going to gain from working with Mellius. Mellius has exceeded my expectations. He is good at gathering, monitoring and qualifying requirements. Throw in a quarter and Mellius makes sure you get a euro back. He has a tremendous drive to add customer value. He is good at monitoring the project scope and he keeps a keen eyeon the goal of the project . I appreciate his attitude as a human being. He positions himself independently."

Duco Neve, Project Manager, Zicht Advisors

"I have experienced the failure of IT vendors to deliver on promises several times during system implementations. In addition, they often only looked at the cost, but not at what it would bring to the business. During the digital change process for a new risk insurance tool, we approached it carefully with an extensive Proof of Concept and by involving users extensively. Mellius was responsible for the business analysis during the PoC, change project and implementation. I would definitely recommend working with Mellius! He has a helicopter view, is good at setting priorities and connects the business and IT. The system successfully went live and has resulted in more user convenience, a 50% reduction in turnaround time for the bulk of the cases and less frustration in the department. As far as I am concerned, the methodology of this change project is the blueprint for all future digital change projects we will implement within our company."

Gladys Geurts, Product Owner / Team Manager Private View Advisors

"It is pleasant and easy to work with Mellius. He often only needs a few words. This is very pleasant in the hectic context of a large tender. His cooperation with the external IT supplier was good. The Proof of Concept and the contract we signed with this IT supplier proved essential for signing the total contract of more than 100 million euros."

Arthur van Donzel, Commercial Director Continental Europe, Capgemini

"Under extreme time pressure - during the summer vacation - Mellius led a dedicated team to assess the functional and technical applicability of an alternative compute core. The result was that from a technical and functional standpoint, an alternative computational core was selected, allowing us to proceed with the signing of the overall deal."

Arie Edens, Head of Capgemini Retirement Services

"Mellius provides alignment within a team. As a team member within Mellius' team, I felt like an important stakeholder. I like his honesty and natural demeanor."

Parth Kothari, Senior API Developer, Capgemini

"Mellius has done a great job in the bid negotiations at AXA Germany. He is always reliable, brings in very good ideas and always produces very good results."

Thomas Klein, Head of Financial Services Sales, Capgemini Germany

"Mellius has a very pleasant positive personality and is therefore a nice person to work with. In addition, he can share and explain his knowledge without coming across as a pedantic or rooster. That is rare, he has a huge favor factor with clients! I also liked that he slowed me down at the beginning of the project to dwell on the 'softer' things like getting to know each other and agreeing on how we want to work together. Thanks again for that!"

Sannemarije van Arend, Senior Manager, Capgemini Invent

"Mellius is enthusiastic, takes initiative and thinks proactively. He has good analytical skills, he makes connections and can oversee consequences well. He is broadly applicable within various projects"

Sonja van den Brink, Project Manager, Nationale Nederlanden

 "Mellius can work well at all levels. He adds value at strategic, tactical and operational levels. He always delivers high quality. I have deep respect for how he has performed. He gets things done!"

Micha Meulman, Principal Detecting Financial Crime,


"Mellius masters subject matter quickly and he understands the client's needs. He has a good memory, is sharp, asks the right questions and thinks 2 steps ahead. He is a very pleasant person I have enjoyed working with for over 1.5 years."

Raymond Hankart, Sr. Internet Marketer / Product Owner,Sight Advisors

"Mellius is extremely driven and motivated. In multiple areas of work, he took the lead and steered the team towards better results. He demonstrated solid skills in the sales process, transition process and project phase. He increased the value of what we deliver to our customers."

John Neumiller, Head of Guidewire Global Delivery, Vice President, Capgemini

"Mellius has done an excellent job in a hectic environment. He acts like a spider in the web and is very good at communicating with internal and external stakeholders. He understands the unpredictable part of going live and is always positive. A big compliment for the business implementation roadmap that Mellius created and managed."

Angelique van Gend, Business Implementation Manager, Nationale Nederlanden

"Mellius contributes to the success of the team. He is not concerned with who gets the credit, only that the task is accomplished. Mellius demonstrates a high degree of intellectual effectiveness. He communicates effectively with technical and non-technical people. He is always honest and reliable in cooperation. He respects others."

Saptorshi Das, Full Stack Developer, Capgemini

"Mellius has a proactive attitude, thinks in solutions and not in problems. He is a good listener, gives his opinion at the right moments and lets others speak. I experienced the coaching Mellius gave me as very positive. He gave me tips and coaching on my work, but also on soft skills and other consulting skills. I experienced our cooperation as very pleasant."

Kevin van Harn, Coachee, Nationale Nederlanden

"Mellius knows how to bring the right parties to the table and see/name the different interests. He combines this with a clear way of communicating, ensuring effective meetings and avoiding ambiguities. He is able to create overview and structure. As a result, he succeeds in achieving objectives and ensuring that everyone is 'on the same page'. I found it pleasant working together in our fraud prevention project."

Jannes de Haan, Process Manager, Nationale Nederlanden

"Mellius has been my coach for more than 3 years, our coach-coachee relationship has grown a lot. In the first year, Mellius mainly helped me find solutions to very specific problems and challenges. Then we entered a phase where he became a sparring partner who really challenges me to get the best out of myself. He provides excellent feedback and advice. All in all a very customized, educational and enjoyable experience."

Joep van Donzel, Coachee, Business Manager, Capgemini

"I like Mellius' enthusiastic approach, proactive behavior and energy. He is content-driven and delivers high quality. He had a great impact with leading the Proof of Concept on the pension deal with a total contract value of over €100 million. During the pension deal, he understood the overall complexity and dependencies. He did this very well! Furthermore, he understands functional as well as technical issues and can work well in a flexible agile environment."

Jimut Basa, Head of Sales Belgium and the Netherlands, Vice President, Capgemini

"I was afraid of overlooking important issues and pushing through desires that don't add value for the bigger picture. I needed someone to hold up a mirror to me. Mellius was this mirror for me; he helped me make conscious choices. He is knowledgeable, keeps the helicopter view and asks good questions about why we would want something. He thinks through and thinks one step further. Furthermore, he is approachable and allows others to have their value. Because of his help, we worked on the right things during the change process for the benefit of the consultant and the client."

Gladys Geurts, Product Owner / Team Manager Private Client

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